The essential exam preparation tool for teachers
Over 1,700 searchable AQA GCSE and A-level Geography questions, mark schemes and examiner comments.
Use them to create shareable documents for all types of formative assessments including class activities, homework tasks and topic tests.
Geography assessment made easy.
Available packages
GCSE Geography (8035)
A-level Geography (7036 7037)
- Over 1,700 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
Search by:
- Specification reference
- Level
- Question type
- Stimulus
- Exam series …and more
Additional content:
- GCSE ready-made assessments
- GCSE topic tests
- A-level Geography – Mathematical Skills worksheets
GCSE Geography (8035)
- Over 1,100 questions
- Mapped to the current specification
- Selected from past exam papers plus all three sets of specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification reference
- Level
- Question type
- Command word …and more
Additional content:
- Ready-made assessments
- Topic tests
A-level Geography (7036 7037)
- Over 650 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus both sets of specimen papers
Search by:
- Specification reference
- Question type
- Stimulus
- Tariff
- Assessment objective …and more
Additional content:
- A-level Geography – Mathematical Skills worksheets
Your order includes unlimited teacher login accounts.
VAT will be added to all prices at the current rate.
Question banks
Exampro is a question bank containing over 1,700 AQA GCSE and A-level Geography exam questions.
Filter questions quickly and easily, using the search tool.
Drag and drop questions into your new document.
Export to PDF, Word or the Cloud, or share via web-link. Watch this video to learn more about sharing via weblink.
Exampro is easy to use, saves you time and allows you to tailor assessments to suit your needs.
“Geography departments will be hard pushed to find reasons not to buy it.”
Stephen Schwab, GA Consultant
What’s extra for Geography

New! A-level Geography – Mathematical Skills
These worksheets have been developed to assist in the formative assessment of the geographical skills specification content. They consist of past AQA questions from A-level Mathematics (7356/7357) and Level 3 (Core) Mathematical Studies (1350), selected by subject specialists and amended to be more suitable for use with A-level geographers.
The A-level Geography – Mathematical Skills worksheets are included with an Exampro A-level or GCSE & A-level Geography package subscription.
Topic tests
These tests cover a range of topics in the GCSE specification and are targeted at year 10 students. They enable teachers and students to work together to identify strengths and weaknesses and to plan next steps. The GCSE Geography topic tests are included with an Exampro Geography subscription.